Wednesday 28 July 2010

In the mining town of Harmony, a drilling accident is cause by the son of the owner, Tom Hanniger. The mine collapses, burying six miners alive. The rescue team finds only Harry Warden alive, but in a coma, and the other miners murdered by his pickax, and they conclude that Harry killed them to save Oxygen for himself. On Valentine's Day, Harry awakes from his coma in the local hospital, and he kills twenty-two people , including a group of teenagers that are partying in the mine. Harry is killed by the deputy, but the only survivors are Tom Hanniger, his girlfriend Sarah, their friend Axel Palmer and his girlfriend Irene. Ten years later, Tom returns to Harmony after the death of his father. Tom has decided to sell the Hanniger Mine, and finds that Sarah has married Axel, who is now the local sheriff, and they have a son named Noah. On Valentine's Day, Harry Warden also returns, seeking revenge against those that escaped the pickax in the past, and Tom is accused by Axel and other locals, who in turn make accusations against Axel.

The main reason for me watching this film was Jensen Ackles, who plays Tom in the movie. I found the film to have lots of twists and turns in the tale but figured out the killer halfway through the movie. The special effects were really good, but they might have been better if I had watched the 3D version. Contains lots of gore and graphic scenes not suitable for the faint hearted

This film has been given the certificate 18

*Contains strong gory violence, horror & Sex

1. Bad

2. Fair

3. Good

4. Very Good

5. Excellent